Child Care and Protection Act

The Child Care and Protection Act 3 of 2015 is Namibia’s key legislation on children.

Before it was enacted, Namibia’s main law on children was the Children’s Act 33 of 1960, which was inherited from South Africa at independence. That outdated statute was a colonial law that was not well suited to African situations. The Child Care and Protection Act provides better systems for protecting and assisting Namibian children.

The process of developing the Child Care and Protection Act involved the largest national law reform consultation held to date in Namibia. It was a multi-media, multi-language campaign that involved all sectors of society, including children.

The Act covers many different topics relating to children. The Legal Assistance Centre has worked together with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare to produce a range of educational materials on this law. You will find links to all of these materials here. If you need hard copies of any of the publications, please contact the LAC at

  1.  Factsheets:

    A set of factsheets available in English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo, which can be used individually as below or combined as in this summary booklet; useful handouts for community workshop

  1. Powerpoints: three different levels of powerpoints as well as police training materials

    •      Overview Powerpoint: a very simple overview for the general public 
    •      Summary Powerpoints (8): designed for use in community workshops
    •      Guide Powerpoints (28): slightly more detailed presentations designed to accompany the Guide chapters in training sessions

    •      Powerpoints especially for Police Training