

Listed here are all our current funders.

Africa Group of Sweden

European Union

Brot für die Welt

Hanns Seidel Foundation


The following donors provided significant funding to continue the work of the LAC during the previous years.

  • Africa Group of Sweden
  • African Development Fund
  • American Embassy
  • American Bar Association
  • Australian Embassy
  • Austrian Development Cooperation – through the Austrian North-South Institute and Austrian Institute for International Cooperation / Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (IIZ)
  • British High Commission/DFID
  • Brot fuer die Welt
  • Canadian Embassy
  • Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
  • Canada Fund
  • Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
  • Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe
  • Christian Aid (London)
  • Church of Sweden Aid
  • Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP)
  • Community Aid Abroad
  • Diakonia City
  • Danchurch Aid
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Embassy of Finland
  • European Union (EU)
  • Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe (EZE)
  • Finnish Embassy
  • Ford Foundation
  • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
  • Friedrich Naumann Foundation
  • German Embassy
  • Gesellschaft fuer Organisation, Planung und Ausbildung (GOPA)
  • Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF)
  • Humanistic Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS)
  • Human Research Canada
  • IBIS of World University Service (WUS) Denmark
  • Interfund
  • Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
  • Katholische Zentralstelle fü Entwicklingshelfe
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
  • Legal Practitioner’s Fidelity Fund
  • Lawyers Association of Malaga
  • Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights
  • Legal Generation
  • Miserior
  • Namibia Association of Norway (NAMAS)
  • Namibiaforeningen (a.k.a. Namibia Association of Norway – NAMAS)
  • Namibian Non-Governmental Organisations’ Forum (NANGOF)
  • Namdeb
  • National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
  • National Literacy Trust
  • New Prospect Foundation
  • Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD)
  • Norwegian Church Aid
  • Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Ontwikkelings-samenwerking (NOVIB)
  • Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)
  • Oxfam Canada
  • Oxfam UK & Ireland
  • Oxford University
  • Pupkewitz Holdings/Pupkewitz Foundation
  • Rhodes Trust
  • Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung
  • Royal Netherlands Embassy
  • Royal Norwegian Embassy
  • RSG Clark (Friends Society)
  • Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC)
  • Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
  • The Royal Foundation (a charitable organisation of Prince William and Prince Harry)
  • Trocaire
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • US Department of State
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • United States Embassy
  • Wildlife Conservation Network – Save the Elephants
  • World Education
  • World University Service
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)