Notes and guide to laws

Notes on the Annotated Statutes

The annotated statutes have been prepared from the text in the Government Gazettes, Official Gazettes and South African Government Gazettes. The text in the Gazettes has been reproduced exactly in the annotated statutes, with apparent errors noted in the editorial comments.

The main objective of this initiative is to enhance public access to the laws in force in Namibia, by providing a free database of complete, accurate and current versions of all the laws in force in Namibia.


The initial set of annotated statutes and post-independence regulations was produced in collaboration with the Parliamentary Support Programme during 2013-2015, funded by the 10th European Development Fund through Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Transtec Project management. The initial set of annotated laws was produced under the supervision of Dianne Hubbard and carried out primarily by Dianne Hubbard, Rachel Coomer, Romy Noeske and Perri Caplan.  The design of the annotated statutes was developed by Perri Caplan in conjunction with the Parliamentary Support Programme.

The updates since then have been carried out by the Legal Assistance Centre, mostly without any external funding; two update periods were funded by the US Embassy and the British High Commission. The updates have been supervised by Dianne Hubbard and carried out primarily by Dianne Hubbard, Anèl Stegmann, Romy Noeske and Perri Caplan.

Our sincere gratitude to Sabinet Online Ltd of South Africa, which provided free access to their database of retrospective South African Government Gazettes for the purposes of this project.

Thanks also to the Ministry of Justice and the National Archives for providing access to their libraries.

The research which provided the basis for this project was Namlex: Index to the Laws of Namibia initiated by the NAMLAW Project in 1989 under the direction of the late Advocate Anton Lubowski and updated by the Legal Assistance Centre in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017 and now regularly.

For optimal viewing of the database on a cell phone or tablet, you may download the Namlex Pocket Law app, which was developed by Anèl Stegmann and is available for free on Google Play and Apple.