Archive 2022

Positive teamwork in 2022
The SJP team met with the UNCHR delegation to discuss their ongoing collaboration in terms of which the LAC assists with legal advice and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Osire Refugee Settlement.

17 August 2022 – New Board Member
The Board of Trustees of the Legal Assistance Centre welcomes Ms Gladice Pickering as a new trustee from the 1st of July 2022.
Ms Pickering comes with a wealth of experience which the Board believes will add great value to its guidance of the activities of the Legal Assistance Centre.
Welcome Gladice! We are pleased to have you on board!
For more information on the board.


As a member of the Action Coalition, the Legal Assistance Centre wishes to acknowledge the statement published on 16 May 2022. The excessive use of force in police action can never be condoned in a democratic society. The Legal Assistance Centre records its concern with the actions of the Namibian Police when responding to the protests in Chinatown on the 13th of May 2022…more

26 April 2022 –  The Ombudsman paid a courtesy call on the LAC

The Director of the Legal Assistance Centre, Toni Hancox, welcomed the new Ombudsman, Basilius Dyakugha, at the LAC offices.
“We congratulate the Ombudsman and look forward to collaborating with his office to ensure that all efforts are done to secure access to human rights in our country.
We wish you all the best in this role.  We know that you are up to the challenge!”

20 April 2022 – Presentation on Land Ownership by Foreigners
The LAC’s Uaraera Tjaveondja from the LEAD department gave a presentation to the National Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Land.  The LAC was invited to respond to a petition submitted by the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) on 18 March 2019 calling for the regulation of land ownership by foreigners.

The LAC holds the opinion, that the proposed Regulation of Land Ownership by Foreign Nationals Bill canvasses prohibitions, restrictions and limitations on foreign ownership and utilization of commercial, urban, agricultural and communal land.
It is clear that the Bill is born from the well documented national crisis of landlessness and homelessness which needs to be urgently addressed.
However in so doing, one must safeguard against creating laws which duplicate existing laws and raise more questions than answers.
In a nutshell, the proposed Bill is a welcome addition to the discourse on accessing land rights, but needs significant refinement and re-consideration before it can be turned into law.

Here is our full presentation and here the live event.