Combating of Rape Amendment Bill

Combating of Rape Amendment Bill

The Combating of Rape Amendment Bill 2022 was tabled in Parliament by the Minister of Justice on 22 February 2022.

This Bill fine-tunes and strengthens the Combating of Rape Act.

GR&AP assisted in the development of Namibia’s progressive rape legislation, the Combating of Rape Act 8 of 2000which came into force in 2000. We further mobilised civil society to promote amendments to the bill initially proposed by the government, most of which incorporated into the final version of the law. Most of this work done can be viewed on our webpage here.

On the basis of our extensive research  Namibia’s statutory Law Reform and Development Commission proposed amendments to the Act to refine it. These amendments cumulated  into the Combating of Rape Amendment Bill 2022 which was tabled in Parliament by the Minister of Justice on 22 February 2022.


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