Monthly Archives - July 2021

Probono on Admission of Guilt in Covid Times

An admission of guilt fine refers to the situation where a person who has been charged with a crime that is not too serious – such as a traffic violation or a violation of the Covid-19 emergency regulations – is given the option of paying a fine without having to...


Probono on the Ombudsman and Children in Detention

The Ombudsman has long crusaded for the rights of Namibian children in detention, carrying out several investigations and producing reports setting out concerns in this regard over the years. These efforts seem to have made some difference, but problems remain. An investigation last year by the Office of the Ombudsman found...


Probono on Ancestral Land Rights and the Restitution Bill

Background In one of our previous ProBono columns we talked about Commission of Inquiry’s report on Claims of Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution. The Commission, along with making several recommendations to the government on ancestral land rights and restitution claims, drafted the Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution Bill (the “Bill”). In...