Author - LAC

Probono on the Ombudsman and Children in Detention

The Ombudsman has long crusaded for the rights of Namibian children in detention, carrying out several investigations and producing reports setting out concerns in this regard over the years. These efforts seem to have made some difference, but problems remain. An investigation last year by the Office of the Ombudsman found...


Probono on Ancestral Land Rights and the Restitution Bill

Background In one of our previous ProBono columns we talked about Commission of Inquiry’s report on Claims of Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution. The Commission, along with making several recommendations to the government on ancestral land rights and restitution claims, drafted the Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution Bill (the “Bill”). In...


Probono on Parental Deception Hurts the Child

Recently, The Namibian ran an article about men being “deceived into fatherhood”. This article was disturbing, but it presented only one side of the coin. We should indeed be concerned about women who deceive men, but equally concerned about men who try to evade their duties as fathers – and...


Pro Bono on Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution

Background The restitution of ancestral land rights in Namibia has since independence divided opinions. Some argue that it is a fitting process in dealing with colonial era land dispossessions, while others are concerned about the complexity of implementing this kind of restitution. At independence, the Namibian Government assumed the viewpoint of the...


Tala – Namibian Film Festival

Some of our films are presented at the first ever Namibian Film Festival Tala!  Please vote for your favourite documentary, story and music. Our LAC films include Baxu and the Giants, Born in Etosha, Struggle for Justice, a Betta Way, Whispers in the Wind and Not a Life you ask for. Cast...


Press release on the Lühl case

Lühl v Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration NEGLECTING THE CHILDREN’S BEST INTERESTS The Legal Assistance Centre finds the High Court judgment in the Lühl case very disappointing and disturbing. The Court refused to order the government to issue travel documents to the children involved in the case on flimsy procedural grounds...


Baxu nominated for Sustainable Development Award

The LAC is proud to announce that our film “Baxu and the Giants” has been nominated for the 3rd Sustainable Development Awards 2021 in the category “Pioneering journalism”. This category celebrates contributions towards raising public awareness and educating the public on environmental issues. We wish all nominees best of luck. Winners will...


ProBono on Immoral Practices

The Combating of Immoral Practices Act 21 of 1980 is a law that is much misunderstood. Many have called for it to be repealed, wrongly believing that it criminalises homosexuality in some way. But this is not the case. So, what does this outdated “South West African” statute inherited by Namibia...


ProBono on Environmental Assessments in Namibia

Article 95(l) of Namibian Constitution is the focal point for the protection of Namibia’s environment. It declares that the Government will take steps to maintain Namibia’s ecosystems, essential ecological processes and biological diversity. It also says that the Government will try to make sure that all of the nation’s living...


First day at Court

Last week was a good week for us! We are proud to announce that LAC trustee, Esi Schimming-Chase has been appointed as Judge in the High Court of Namibia as from April 2021. We congratulate Esi on her appointment as Judge and are confident that she will acquit herself well in this very...