Archive 2020

Unwrap (28 August) “Netflix n’ chill for Baxu and the Giants”
Inewsbc (29 August)  “Baxu and the Giants to enter the gates of Netflix”
New Era Live (31 August)  “Baxu and the Giants to début on Netflix”
WamboesBeLike (31 August)  “Baxu and the Giants to join Netflix”
Namibian Sun (2 September) “Namibian film coming to Netflix”
The Namibian (4 September)  “Baxu and the Giants lands Netflix”
Craft&Grit (4 September) Namibia: “Baxu and the Giant set to premiere on Netflix”

9 November 2020 – PRESS RELEASE
We are extremely concerned about another incident of hate speech which took place on 7 November 2020 at which it was reported that General Shalli (RTD) threatened to execute members of the opposition parties. He stated that they “should not be shot, but slaughtered.” After the recent statement by our President threatening white voters, which was widely condemned, it seems that members of the ruling party still deem it appropriate to use threats of violence against those who oppose them.
The comments appear to be made at a SWAPO rally addressing the upcoming elections. The General is reminded that Article 21 of the Namibian Constitution provides for the fundamental rights of all Namibians, and states that (1) All persons shall have the right to “(e) freedom of association, which shall include freedom to form and join … political parties.”  More in pdf here

2 November 2020 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
“Today we say to journalists all over the world who are facing persecution for doing their jobs, that they are not alone. We stand with them!”  Please read the full press statement by Zoé Titus and more on this day on the UN website.

21 October 2020 – PRESS STATEMENT
The Legal Assistance Centre appreciates the commentary made in relation to its press statement of 19 October 2020, condemning the President’s statement that white voters seem to be declaring “war” on SWAPO. The commentary has been both good and bad and is welcomed. It has given us the opportunity to provide some insight into the work of the LAC.
The LAC is the only public interest law firm in Namibia. We defend and promote human rights responses to all current issues which affect citizens in exercising their human rights, irrespective of who has violated those rights.
We appreciate there are many ills within our society. These must be addressed by Namibia as a whole. As such we felt compelled to speak out in response to the unfortunate statement made by President Hage Geingob whom we expect should speak on behalf of all Namibians, in whatever role he plays. With wrongs against specific individuals, we normally act only when we are approached by a client.
We hope that you will find the information and advocacy we provide on other human rights topics just as engaging.

19 October 2020 – PRESS STATEMENT
The LAC objects to any characterisation of Namibian voters by race or ethnicity. Not all white voters have the same opinions, any more than all black voters or voters from any particular ethnic group. After the pain of Namibia’s past, surely every person in Namibia has the right to be viewed as an individual rather than being judged on the basis of race.  Read full statement.

 11 October 2020 – Let the people raise their voices without fear
The Legal Assistance Centre as a public interest law firm respects the need for the police to maintain law and order. What the Legal Assistance Centre does NOT CONDONE is the heavy handed response to the protestors against SGBV that has rocked our capital in the last days. The police should only use reasonable and justified measures to avert damage to life or property. The use of tear gas against the protestors is neither reasonable not justified.
In a democratic country we are permitted to raise our voices. Sexual and Gender Based Violence has become a scourge in our country. The Government’s lack of action has prompted the current protest.
The President and government are called upon to respond to the pain of its people and take the needed action to prevent SGBV urgently.
In the meantime, let the people raise their voices without fear. -Toni Hancox
The Minister of Justice Yvonne Dausab said on social media that the amendment of the Combating of Rape Act is currently being prepared for parliament.
Read additional news: Namibian or Pdf on this event and more on the arrest here.International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) 2020 – 28 September 2020
In times of crisis, access to information saves lives, builds trust and brings hope!
The 2020 theme has an uplifting and emphatic ring to it as we mark International Day for Universal Access to Information 2020 against the backdrop of a world mired in crises.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has come to expose and boldly underscore for us again both the fragilities and strengths of humanity. Amid it all we are seeing political, economic and social crises unfolding along with the health crisis. Read more
Issued on behalf of the ACTION Coalition by: Frederico Links, Chairperson

Esi Schimming-Chase has been appointed as acting Judge
We are proud to announce that LAC trustee, Esi Schimming-Chase has been appointed as acting Judge in the High Court of Namibia as from 1 October 2020.
Born in Germany and arriving in Namibia during 1982 she went to St. Paul’s College.  She studied Law in Coventry, United Kingdom and was admitted as a Barrister to the Middle Temple Inns of Court in England in October 1994.  She returned to Namibia in January 1995 and became the first “black female practicing senior counsel” in the country in July 2017.
We congratulate Esi on her appointment as Acting Judge and are confident that she will acquit herself well in this very demanding position.

Basic Income Grant Coalition Campaign Declaration
This Declaration summarises the shared consensus, critical demands and commitment to Basic Income Grant implementation.

Himba leader wins chief status appeal – 24 July 2020
The veteran Ovahimba traditional leader from the Kunene region’s Epupa area has won an appeal against a High Court judgement in which his official designation as chief of his community was set aside two years ago. It was published in The Namibian (or pdf).


The State of Emergency – COVID-19 Regulations were issued in terms of Article 26(5) of the Namibian Constitution, after the President declared a State of Emergency because of the worldwide outbreak of the disease known as COVID-19. The initial regulations were issued on 23 March 2020 in Proclamation 9 of 2020 and amended on 18 April by Proclamation 13 of 2020.


This publication was produced by the Legal Assistance Centre,
on “Your Rights in Namibia” during the global Covid-19 pandemic.
The research done herein was undertaken by the LAC, with reference to all relevant local Government publications and statements issued during the time.

While the measures taken by government to contain the spread of COVID19 are welcomed, the #MeTooNamibia movement, a coalition of human rights organisations and activists across the country which offers support to the survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, says that this will come with the reality that incurrences of S/GBV may go unreported.
This infographic details how you can reach out during the lockdown.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE – State of Emergency – Covid-19 Regulations: Namibian Constitution

PRESS RELEASE – COVID-19 State of Emergency and Lockdown Measures
Call on Security Personnel

The Legal Assistance Centre herewith calls upon the Namibian Police, the National Defence Force, and any other persons and organizations mandated to ensure compliance with security measures, to act in accordance with the Police Act 19 of 1990, and the subsequent Regulations in terms thereof and the Defence Act 1 of 2002, when dealing with persons during the state of emergency and lockdown.
All police and security personnel are called upon to ensure no human rights violations occur, which have not been derogated in terms of the Constitution of Namibia.

Namlex Update
We are happy to announce the newest update to the Index of Namibian Laws up to the end of 2019. Full document as PDF or as link above.
The Annotated Statutes and Regulations are also fully updated.

Launching of booklet on the use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers – 15 February 2020
In collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, we launched a booklet analysing the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers, which sometimes results in civilians losing their lives. Read the article in the Namibian or pdf